The Christmas season is full of warm, loving sentimentality. Songs are sung and mistletoe is hung. People tend to be kinder and more generous this time of year. Unfortunately, this manufactured feeling of love is only a pale imitation of the love God has for us and the love we can give to those around us.

God’s love is selfless, patient, kind, humble, and compassionate (see 1 Corinthians 13 for a beautiful passage about love). God’s selfless love is ultimately displayed in the self-sacrificial acts of Jesus humbling himself by becoming human, living on earth, and dying an excruciating death for the payment of our sins. Christ is our ultimate example of love for God and others. One of His final commands to His disciples (and to us) is to love one another, just as he loves us (John 13:34–35). Because God loves us in this way, we can grow in love toward one another.
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit guides and refines us to grow in love. Read the passage in 1 Corinthians 13 and allow the Holy Spirit to point out one characteristic of love you could grow in. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you as you take steps daily to show love to those around you this holiday season and beyond.