We live in a sad, scary world. Darkness, deception, disappointment, and depression are a growing presence. That isn’t the holly jolly feeling we like to have during this time of year. The truth is that jingle bells and colorful decorations can only bring us temporary happiness, not true joy. True joy is constant, even in the middle of trials or tests. James’s letter tells us to count it all joy when we face trials, but how can that be possible?

Paul writes one of his most joyful letters while in prison, so let’s look there for an answer. In Philippians, Paul tells the reader to “rejoice always,” and then recounts how he can do such a thing while in prison. He remembers the Lord is near and prays about everything. Paul fixes his mind on things that are true, lovely, praiseworthy, pure, etc. To summarize, Paul sets his mind on Christ.
It’s not to say that he doesn’t experience his circumstances, but he shifts the focus from the present circumstances to Christ’s truth and promises. Read through Philippians 4 and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal how you can reframe your focus on joy. Maybe you need to remember that the Lord is near, or maybe you need to pray about the things making you anxious. Perhaps you need to fix your mind on true and good things from above or remember that God will supply all your needs. Then sing a song of joy, smile at the next person you see, and thank God for all his blessings.