Read Deuteronomy 6:20-25
These verses were reminding the Israelite parents to talk to their children about a time when God was faithful to His people. In the story of the Exodus, God promised the Israelites deliverance and gave them their promised land. God used many miraculous signs and wonders to fulfill these promises. You can read about some of these miraculous signs and wonders in Exodus chapters 7 through 14. God didn’t just simply bring the Israelites out of Egypt’s bondage and take them straight to their promised land. They had to be patient and
wait for God’s timing.
I remember a time one of my children wanted to use some of their allowance money to purchase something from Amazon. That evening, we sat down, ordered it together, and made sure we saw the order confirmation page. The next day, after being dropped off by the school bus, they came charging in the front door, demanding to see the package they had ordered the night before. I had to explain to them that even though Amazon confirmed they would send the item they ordered, it would take two to three days to arrive at our house. The look my child gave was one of despair and impatience followed with, “But it’s gonna take forever!” I reminded them that the company would follow through on their promise to send the item. A few days later, the package arrived as promised, and their faith in the online commerce system was restored. Their faith was so quick to waver in this seemingly small matter, but we all are like this with God at times.
Like the Israelites, we are impatient and quick to doubt in our everyday lives. We desire instant gratification and are an “I want it now or it isn’t going to happen” culture. Sometimes we need to look back and be reminded of how God is faithful to His people. It may not be in our timing, but His timing is always perfect! Do you struggle to trust in God’s timing?
Pray for 10 minutes