Read John 12:1–19
In today’s passage, we witness radically different philosophies of asset management. What do we value, and how do we express that value? Do we selfishly hole away money for our own gain, or do we generously share what God has given us and give it back to Him? The extravagant anointing of Jesus by Mary with expensive perfume contrasts sharply with Judas’s criticism, revealing different views of how we manage what we have in service to God’s Kingdom.
Mary’s act of worship, pouring out her costly perfume, reflects the true essence of asset management in God’s kingdom—lavish devotion and sacrificial giving. She understood that Jesus’ worth far exceeded any earthly treasure. This kind of giving, extravagant and sometimes misunderstood, demonstrates faith that values God above all material wealth. In contrast, Judas embodies a mindset of self-preservation and greed. Though he spoke of caring for the poor, his true motive was personal gain. In God’s kingdom, managing assets goes beyond the mere stewardship of money; it is about the posture of our hearts.
We are entrusted with resources—not just money, but our time, talents, and influence. Like Mary, we are called to use them for the glory of God, recognizing that any sacrifice we make in His name will never be wasted. Jesus’ response to Judas’s objection teaches us that honoring God with our possessions should be our highest priority. While helping others is crucial, it flows from a life first surrendered in worship to Him.
As stewards of God’s Kingdom, we must regularly assess how we use our possessions. Are we holding them with clenched fists, seeking personal security and gain, or are we pouring them out freely at Jesus’ feet, trusting Him to multiply what we offer? True asset management in God’s Kingdom means recognizing the eternal value of what we give to God. When we do, like Mary, we participate in something far greater than ourselves—the glory of God’s unfolding plan.
Begin praying with Psalm 49:20:
“Mankind, with his assets
but without understanding,
is like the animals that perish.”