Day 9 | Truthfulness Definition
Read Jeremiah 10:1–10
It seems like everywhere we turn, someone has a different version of truth. “What is true for you may not be true for me,” as they say. Despite all of the different perceptions out there, a single constant remains: Our God is truth. It’s His very nature. Creation itself was born out of the words of His mouth; promises were fulfilled because He spoke them. The truth of His Word should be the foundation we build our lives upon.
If anything, this is what He desires for us all: to build our foundation on His foundation; to build our families on His truth and His words.
We see in Jeremiah that the struggles of the world are the same today as they were back then. There’s an old saying that the enemy is persistent, but he is not creative. He’s been using the same tactics for thousands of years—trying to pull our attention in every direction and deceive us with false narratives. It’s a common theme in Scripture, and the same is true today. Everywhere we turn, there are lies that are packaged as new truths. Even so, the word and truth of God have effortlessly prevailed. Despite the deception and distraction, all of creation is still subject to His sovereignty, to His Word, and to His nature.
As followers of Jesus, we must do our part to remind ourselves of the endless truth found in the nature of God. As the sun sets in the west and rises in the east, the truth which has stood against time will never fail. His character, His nature have been setting the standard for truth for all of history. Be encouraged by the fact that we worship a God of truth, who keeps His promises, and His promises are “yes” and “amen.” Today, ask yourself where you see the truth of God and His promises in your life.
Pray for 10 minutes