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Day 39 | 3 John 1:1–4

Read 3 John 1:1–4

In these few sentences, John gives us a rare glimpse of himself. He spends most of his time sharing the words and work of Jesus, and helping his readers understand how the truth of the gospel applies to their lives. But here he takes a moment to share some of his own thoughts and feelings. What he shares reveals the care he has for the people he leads and his love for the Lord.

Remarkably, John says he has “no greater joy” than hearing that people are walking in the truth (1:4). How many people can say that? Are you one of them?

Some of the people I’ve known who can say that are parents in regard to their children. As a parent, you feel so much concern for your kids’ well-being and want to see them flourish. And Christian parents know that walking with the Lord is the only way to truly flourish, so seeing a child fervently loving the Lord and following after Christ would honestly be a source of great joy.

As we see here, John takes this to the next level because he makes this statement not about his own flesh and blood, but about other people. He clearly thinks of them as a parent, though, since he calls them “my children” (1:4). Do we have enough regard for the people around us that we truly care about whether they’re walking in the truth and living the fullness of life God has to offer them? If not, pray that God will start to change your heart for the people around you, and make yourself available for God to use you to encourage others in the truth.

Begin praying with Psalm 128:1–2:
“How happy is everyone who fears the Lord,
who walks in his ways!
…You will be happy,
and it will go well for you.”