Read Luke 17:11-19
Passing between Samaria and Galilee, Jesus meets a group of lepers composed of Jews and Samaritans. These lepers had heard of other miracles of Jesus and cried to Him in desperation. Jesus, aware of their suffering, would heal them physically, but only one would return to praise Him for this blessing.
Here we see an example of people coming to Jesus when they are in a time of need, even receiving healing when they were obedient to Jesus’ command. But once they got what they wanted, they no longer had a “need” for Jesus and left. They completed their religious checklist and went about their day. Jesus exposes the sick hearts of the nine who did not return by pointing out their absence as the one Samaritan returns. He had already been physically healed, but the real miracle of these verses is God’s cleansing of the Samaritan’s heart.
Just like the Samaritan leper, we are all called to praise God. We are to be thankful for all of the blessings which He abundantly gives us. This praise does not necessarily lead to more blessings but instead makes God’s beauty known. It reminds us of our desperation and need for His presence in our lives. It also makes the world around us aware of all that Jesus has done for us. Imagine when the Samaritan leper returned, cleansed from his leprosy, falling on his knees, praising “with a loud voice.” How that would have looked to those around him! As you go about your day, look for the blessings that God has enacted in your life and take time to thank Him by speaking the thankfulness out loud. When others come to you in praise of your success at work, take that time to acknowledge God and His hand in your work. By humbling yourself, and recognizing the impact God has on your life, you can help the world know the glory of Christ Jesus.
Pray for 10 minutes