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Day 29 | John 19:17–30

Read John 19:17–30

Here we witness the crucifixion of Jesus—the killing of the only innocent person to ever live, but also a profound act of love and divine will. While the Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross and the Jewish leaders mocked Him, the reality of the situation is clear: Jesus’ life was not taken from Him; He gave it up willingly. In verse 30, we see Jesus’ final words: “It is finished.” Then, John writes, “Then bowing his head, he gave up his spirit” (19:30). These words show that Jesus was in full control, even in His death.

Jesus had said earlier in His ministry, “No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down on my own” (John 10:18). His death was not the result of the power of His enemies, but the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan. Jesus chose to endure the cross, not as a helpless victim, but as a willing Savior who came to do the Father’s will. He came to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45), and at the right moment, He gave up His spirit, having accomplished everything necessary for the salvation of humanity.

Jesus did not go to the cross because He was overpowered by Roman soldiers or betrayed by human weakness. He went to the cross because He loves us deeply and was determined to fulfill God’s plan of salvation. Every step, every word, and every act of His life led to this moment, where He willingly gave Himself up for our sake.

As we reflect on the cross, we must remember that Jesus’ sacrifice was not forced upon Him. He chose it out of love for us. His life was not taken from Him; He laid it down so that we can be reconciled to God. In this act of ultimate love, Jesus accomplished what no one else could—He finished the work of salvation, making a way for us to have eternal life with the Father.

Begin praying with Psalm 40:7–8:
“Then I said, ‘See, I have come;
in the scroll it is written about me.
I delight to do your will, my God,
and your instruction is deep within me.’”