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Day 22 | John 14:15–31

Read John 14:15–31

Here, Jesus prepares His disciples for His impending death, offering them comfort and promises. He speaks about the coming of the Holy Spirit, peace that only He can give, and His departure from this world. In the midst of these comforting words, verse 29 stands out: “I have told you now before it happens so that when it does happen you may believe.” Jesus knew that the tragic events of His crucifixion would deeply shake His disciples. Yet He intentionally prepared them in advance, speaking truth to anchor their faith during the coming storm.

Jesus’ forewarning wasn’t to frighten His disciples but to give them peace and assurance when tragedy struck. He was equipping them to remember His words, even in their darkest hour, so that they could trust in His sovereignty. After His death and resurrection, they would understand that everything had unfolded according to God’s plan, and their faith would be strengthened. Jesus wanted them to have something solid to cling to—His promises, spoken ahead of time.

For us, this verse is a reminder of the importance of receiving Jesus’ words and trusting in His promises before challenges arise. Life is full of uncertainties, and tragedy can strike when we least expect it. But just as Jesus spoke to His disciples in advance, He speaks to us today through His Word. When we immerse ourselves in Scripture and internalize Jesus’ promises, we build a foundation of faith that can withstand any trial. His words offer peace, assurance, and hope, even when circumstances seem overwhelming.

Jesus promises peace, saying, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you” (14:27). This peace is not the absence of hardship but a profound trust in God’s plan, no matter what happens. As we receive Jesus’ words, we are prepared to face life’s difficulties with confidence, knowing that He is in control and has already spoken the truth we need to hold on to. Before trials come, let us treasure His words, knowing they will guide us through any storm

Begin praying with Psalm 130:5:
“I wait for the LORD; I wait
and put my hope in his word.”