Day 19 | The First Miraculous Catch
Read Luke 5:1-11
The rabbinic system in which Jesus structured His ministry is fascinating. Jesus, as a Rabbi, would take disciples (Talmidim) and teach them so that they might, in turn, spread His message. Typically Talmidim would be very well versed in the Torah (first five books of Moses) and very intellectual individuals. They would usually approach a Rabbi and ask to follow in their footsteps. Now Jesus wasn’t after the typical Talmid, he instead chose twelve “unqualified” men for the job. In Luke 5:1-11, we learn how Jesus first calls three of them; Peter, James, and John.
He tells them to “put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon Peter responds with, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word, I will let down the nets.” Of course, when they let out their nets, they were so full of fish that the nets started to break. Upon experiencing the miracle Jesus had just done, Peter falls at Jesus’ feet and says, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”
The beautiful truth about this passage is how Peter first addresses what Jesus tells him to do. He first explains the hard work that they had put into fishing the night before with no results. He quickly follows with, “but at your word, I will let down the nets.” Peter’s obedience is what led to the miracle taking place. Jesus wants to and is working miracles around us all the time. In the extravagant and plain things, Jesus is asking us to be obedient. Peter’s repentance of the small amount of hesitancy he had is something to be learned from as well. We should strive for humility towards others and obviously to our Master. Jesus wants to give good things to his followers, but we cannot receive them with a proud heart. Jesus truly believes his disciples can become like Him, even when we feel tired, fallen, or incapable. The first twelve disciples were ordinary people, but with God’s power, some obedience, and humility, they transformed the world.
Pray for 10 minutes