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Spiritual Resolutions for the New Year

It seems hard to believe, but a new year has arrived! Whatever we might say about the past year, all of us would surely describe it as “busy.” We can never seem to escape the hustle and bustle of life. And when we’re busy, it’s easy to let go of healthy habits and activities. We think, “I’ll get to that soon,” or “I know that’s important, but I can’t right now. Next week will definitely be a better time.” Or even, “Once this is over, everything can get back to normal.”

For many of us, the dawning of a new year is usually a reset, where much of what has been keeping us running has ended, and we feel both free and driven to reintroduce some discipline into our lives. “Next week” is now, and it’s finally time to sleep, eat, exercise, and declutter like you’ve been meaning to. In fact, you’ve probably already read five different lists of Top New Year’s Resolutions online, and maybe even made a list of your own that you are nailing so far. Look at you go!

While you are making time to revamp your physical habits, don’t forget to take some time to invest in your spiritual habits as well. The Bible teaches us that we are both spiritual and physical beings. It’s not hard for us to lose sight of our physicality, because we see it and feel it every day. But we have to remember that we are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26–27), and God is spirit (John 4:24). Paul acknowledges this fact when he prayed that his readers’ “whole spirit, soul, and body” would be kept safe until Jesus returned (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

So we need both healthy eating habits, and we need to pray. We should exercise, and we should spend time with the Word of God. We know that everything we have comes from the Lord (Romans 11:36), so it makes sense that we should make our relationship with him a priority. And Proverbs reinforces that idea when it says, “Commit your activities to the Lord, and your plans will be established” (Proverbs 16:3). Put Him first, and he will give you what you need to turn your resolutions into ways of life.