Read Acts 15:36-41
Dynamic duos have a certain awe about them. Batman and Robin, Doc and Marty, Han Solo and Chewbacca, so what about Paul and Barnabas? If there is one thing a dynamic duo needs, it’s encouragement. Well, Barnabas’ name translates as “Son of Encouragement,” and as we see from his appearances in Acts, he was quite the encourager. Early on in Acts, we see that he sold his field and donated the proceeds to the church to inspire and encourage others to do the same.
So, if Barnabas and Paul had come so far as to risk their lives for the sake of Jesus and the Gospel, how could these men who were essentially brothers have such a sharp disagreement that would lead them in opposite directions? These men had set a blazing trail that would set a figurative fire to many others sharing Jesus in a radical fashion. Sometimes as we read this, we forget that these men were such powerhouses for the Gospel that they were human. Paul may have been rough around the edges and hard to get along with at times. Barnabas may have seen something that Paul did not or vice versa. Regardless, these two refused to let a quarrel extinguish their calling of sharing Jesus with others and continued their own journeys, multiplying their efforts!
We will experience conflict with other believers, but we must not allow it to lead to disunity. What is great about this story is that in the book of Colossians, we see that Paul reconciles this relationship by giving gratitude to John Mark! Consider those you may have written off because a divisive altercation has tainted the contact you once had with them. Do you feel like they are too far gone? Do you feel like God cannot be glorified through that relationship? Once again, we need to remember that if we love Jesus, we should be working for the Kingdom despite our disagreements.
Pray for 10 minutes