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Day 33 | John 21:15–25

Read John 21:15–25

Jesus’ exchange with Peter regarding John reveals the importance of paying close attention to Jesus’ actual words rather than allowing speculation or rumors to distort what He says. Misunderstandings about Jesus’ message can easily arise when we rely on secondhand information or when we let others’ interpretations overshadow the clear truth of His words. The early disciples dealt with this challenge, and we face it today as well.

In our spiritual lives, it’s crucial to listen to Jesus’ words directly by reading Scripture ourselves, not just relying on other people’s interpretations or musings. While it’s valuable to learn from pastors, authors, and teachers, nothing replaces the clarity and truth of engaging with God’s Word firsthand. Jesus’ teachings are accessible to all believers, and we are invited to study them directly to know His heart, His mission, and His call for our lives.

In a world filled with voices and opinions about what Jesus said, we must prioritize His actual words. When we open the Bible and read Jesus’ teachings for ourselves, we gain clarity, wisdom, and a deeper relationship with Him. Let us be quick to turn to Scripture, trusting that God will speak to us through His living Word, and let us discern carefully, always returning to what Jesus truly said, rather than what we think He might have meant.

Begin praying with Psalm 81:13–14:
“If only my people would listen to me
and Israel would follow my ways,
I would quickly subdue their enemies
and turn my hand against their foes.”