Day 30 | John 19:31–20:10
Read John 19:31–20:10
What catches my eye most in this passage is Peter and John’s reaction to the empty tomb, “they did not yet understand the Scripture that he must rise from the dead” (20:9). It’s clear they believed Jesus really had resurrected, but they didn’t yet fully understand it. They were witnesses to an empty tomb, but the meaning of the resurrection was not yet clear to them. This moment highlights the struggle between seeing and fully understanding God’s plan.
How often do we, like Peter and John, see the evidence of God’s work in our lives but fail to fully comprehend what He’s doing? We might see a situation change or experience God’s provision, but the bigger picture—the greater plan—is still unfolding. Or maybe we’ll come to see how God has been preparing us through a series of seemingly unrelated events, which in hindsight we can see were all leading to one extraordinary moment. Peter and John saw that Jesus was gone, but it would take more time and revelation for them to grasp the full reality and prophetic nature of His resurrection.
This passage reminds us that faith is often a journey. Sometimes, we see the signs of God’s hand at work without fully understanding His purposes. But even when we don’t yet understand, we are called to trust Him. Peter and John would soon encounter the risen Christ. They would understand the victory of His resurrection and the fullness of its prediction in the Old Testament and in Jesus’ teaching. We too will see God’s plans more clearly as we continue to walk in faith. Even when we don’t fully comprehend, God is always at work, and His plans for us are good.
Begin praying with Psalm 68:20:
“Our God is a God of salvation,
and escape from death belongs to the LORD
my Lord.”