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Day 28 | John 18:39–19:16

Read John 18:39–19:16

This exchange between Pilate and the crowd reveals a deep spiritual misidentification. The Jewish people, who had long awaited the Messiah, rejected the very One sent to save them. When they cried out that they had no king but Caesar, they publicly declared allegiance to an earthly, oppressive ruler, denying their true King, Jesus. This moment encapsulates the question Pilate indirectly asks: “Who is your king?” The leaders and the crowd chose political power and self-interest over the humble, sacrificial kingship of Jesus.

For us today, this question is just as relevant. “Who is your king?” Who is the one we allow to rule over our hearts and lives? The crowd in this passage misidentified their king, choosing an earthly leader instead of embracing the eternal, heavenly King standing before them. Every day, sometimes in big dramatic ways, but oftentimes in our simpler everyday choices, we face similar decisions. Do we prioritize worldly power, success, or comfort over allegiance to Christ?

Jesus’ kingship is unlike any earthly authority. He reigns with love, humility, and truth. When we acknowledge Him as our King, we submit to His rule and embrace His values—sacrifice, mercy, and righteousness. Yet, like the crowd, we can sometimes be tempted to turn away, seeking control, influence, or comfort from other “kings” in our lives.

The crowd’s rejection of Jesus as their King serves as a reminder that we, too, must be careful not to misidentify where our ultimate loyalty lies. We are called to make Christ the King of our hearts, above all other allegiances. Only He can offer the peace, salvation, and eternal hope we seek. As we reflect on this passage, let us declare with our lives: Jesus is our King.

Begin praying with Psalm 2:6:
“I have installed my king
on Zion, my holy mountain.”