Read John 8:21–59
This is where Jesus cashes in all of his credibility chips. Throughout this passage, Jesus makes bold declarations revealing who He is, His relationship with the Father, and His role as the source of salvation. He tells the people who were confident they were the only ones who truly knew God, that they were, in fact, acting as if the devil was their father—they are face to face with God, and saying He has a demon.
Verse 23 is a key moment in the gospel where Jesus proclaims His heavenly authority and nature. He says, “You are from below,… I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.” He contrasts Himself with humanity, making it clear that He isn’t merely a man but He is of divine nature.
The climax of this passage comes in verse 58, when Jesus declares, “Before Abraham was, I am.” The phrase “I am” echoes God’s self-revelation to Moses in Exodus 3:14, where God calls Himself “I AM WHO I AM.” Jesus
intentionally connects Himself to the divine name, asserting that He is not only sent by God but is one with God Himself. This claim underscores the necessity of faith in Him for salvation. With these words, Jesus proclaims His eternal existence, showing that He transcends time and that He is not bound by human limitations. This declaration leaves no room for misunderstanding—Jesus is claiming to be God in the flesh.
For us today, recognizing Jesus’ identity as the eternal “I AM” calls us to place our faith in Him alone. He is not just a teacher or prophet; He is the living God, offering forgiveness, freedom from sin, and eternal life. In knowing who Jesus is, we are invited to trust Him fully and walk in the light of His truth.
Begin praying with Psalm 90:2:
“Before the mountains were born,
before you gave birth to the earth and the world,
from eternity to eternity, you are God.”