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Day 5 | Knowledge Definition

Read Romans 11:33–36

A.W. Tozer wrote in “The Pursuit of God,” “[God] is omniscient, which means that He knows, in one free and effortless act, all matter, all spirit, all relationships, all events.” The oft-used word to describe God’s nature, omniscient, derives from the Latin word sciens (“to know”) and the prefix omni (“all”). Simply put, God knows all things. And, possibly more impressive still, God knows how every bit of knowledge relates to all other bits of knowledge. He understands the implications of every thought, word, and action, spanning the past, present, and future. This type of computing power would humble even your most powerful smart device.

In Romans 11, we see how God uses His great knowledge to work salvation for people who are far from Him. God, in His infinite knowledge, knew the salvation of the Gentiles would stir up a jealousy in Israel that would, in turn, lead to salvation for many Jews. No one saw this coming, but since God’s knowledge is not limited by space and time, He was able to write salvation’s story in a way most compelling to those far and those near. In the middle of explaining this, Paul finds himself overwhelmed, and where we might insert a mind-blown emoji, Paul writes a doxology (praise song) to express how amazed he is at the depth of God’s knowledge.

God knows all things visible and invisible—in Heaven and on earth—past, present, and future. He knows the times set for kingdoms to rise and fall, the day and the hour of Christ’s return, the number of days you have left on the earth, the intent of your heart, the number of hairs on your head, the words you are about to speak (and the ones you stop yourself from speaking), the things you need (physically, emotionally, and spiritually)… He also knows the reason your friend was moody at work the other day.

Pray for 10 minutes