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Day 25 | John 17:1–26

Read John 17:1–26

This prayer offers a glimpse into God’s eternal purpose: to draw the world, which has fallen into rebellion, back into a relationship with Himself. From the beginning, Go created the world in perfect harmony, with humanity meant to enjoy fellowship with Him. However, sin entered the world through human rebellion, breaking that relationship and bringing separation between God and His creation.

In His prayer, Jesus acknowledges this brokenness. He refers to the world, which is now in rebellion against God’s ways, and yet He does not abandon it. Jesus says, “I have revealed your name to the people you gave me from the world” (17:6). Even though the world has turned from God, His heart remains one of love, and He is actively working to restore the relationship. Jesus, sent by the Father, is the very means through which God draws the world back to Himself. Jesus came into the world to reveal God’s love and truth, to redeem humanity through His sacrifice, and to open the way for reconciliation.

In verses 18 and 23, Jesus prays for His followers to be united with one another and with God, saying, “As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world… That the world may know you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me.” God is using His people, transformed by Christ, to continue the mission of drawing the world back to Him. Even as the world remains in rebellion, God’s plan is at work—through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the witness of His followers.

The beauty of this passage is that despite humanity’s rebellion, God has not given up on His creation. His love and mercy are greater than our sin. Through Jesus, God is actively restoring the world to Himself, one heart at a time, calling people back into a relationship that was always meant to be. Let us be faithful to this mission, living as witnesses to His love and grace.

Begin praying with Psalm 80:3:
“Restore us, God;
make your face shine on us,
so that we may be saved.”