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ECC Missions


Why Missions?

One of the last words Jesus said before He ascended was what we call the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19–20). 

We take these words of Jesus very seriously and are blessed to spread the Good News of Jesus not only in our local community but communities around the world.

Ways To Get Involved With Missions At The Experience

Commit to Prayer
Prayer is the best way to support all mission work; pray for provision, protection, and for people to receive Jesus with open arms. This is a team effort, and we are so grateful for the prayers for those spreading and hearing the gospel.

Join us on a Mission Trip
If you are able to join us on a mission trip and feel led to do so, we would love to have you get involved. We have opportunities to share the gospel throughout the year at several locations in the States as well as many overseas. If you would like to join us on a future trip, please fill out the application below.

Give Financially
Giving financially allows us to further the work of the gospel. There are opportunities throughout the year to donate to mission trip teams or missionaries we support on the ground. We appreciate all of the ways the generous people in our congregation continue to support missions and are excited to see His name exalted all over the world.

El Salvador 

We are blessed with the opportunity to go out and serve the communities and children in rural El Salvador. The relationships we initiate are maintained by the Salvadoran brothers and sisters we work with each year.

Our focus in El Salvador is evangelism and discipleship. We are honored to partner with King’s Castle who is committed to reaching all 2,300,00 children in the country. The mission is to raise young, spirit-filled believers who will invade Latin America with the simple message that “Jesus saves and is coming soon.”

Other mission trips

We are working to create mission trips that are international and several domestic. If you want to join us on a future trip to Costa Rica, Egypt, an Indian Reservation, New England (to support City Church, Hope Church, Garden City Church), Guatemala, or Europe, please contact

Join us on a mission trip!
If you feel called to missions, we want to help you find the right place to go and serve. As we plan to share the gospel in more U.S. communities and abroad, we are excited to come alongside those whom God calls to this ministry. Whether you want to spearhead a new trip, support us as we plan to serve in different locations or join one of our current mission trips, we want to help you find the right trip for you. Please fill out the application below, and we will contact you.

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